Monday, July 27, 2009


Corey leaned back in his ergonomic, minimalist office chair and gazed at the computer screen without seeing. He had read the message, as clear as the black font on green. Terri was in trouble.

His hacker friend Terri was always getting in too deep. She was good, but the government was catching up, tech-wise. Even if she was beautiful, this was starting to get to be too much to put up with. After all, he had his position at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, the most prestigious law firm in New York, to consider.

The forward-thinking firm had hired Corey as their computer consultant three years ago, long before anyone else, and he was not about to lose his extremely lucrative job. His 1000 square foot loft apartment, unheard of for someone his age, was well stocked with the latest in computer equipment, parts and pieces. Corey was developing computer programs on the side and was even on the verge of creating a gigantic hard drive--an entire megabyte.

Corey slipped back into his signature red high top Reebok's and began shut down procedures. Terri was quite beautiful.

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