After ART3MIS cut off contact with WADE and the Sixers crashed OG'S birthday party, there is a time jump (the book says eight weeks, but it should be longer... six months?) <--not sure if this should jump right to WADE in the future, or if we should see him despondent.
Sitting in a basic gaming chair, WADE fell asleep with his OASIS visor on again. He has Cheeto dust down the front of his haptic suit, which is not fully closed in the front. His apartment is a mess of empty bottles (soda pop and energy drinks) and pizza boxes. Dirty mugs and flatware, paper towels, tissues, and other detritus cover the floor. A War Door has been installed, locked in the open position against the ceiling. The window has been inexpertly spray painted black. WADE snores himself awake and shoves off his visor. Blinking and disoriented, he looks around and groans. Heaving himself out of the chair, he goes to the bathroom, wrestles with his suit, and we hear him peeing. Exiting the bathroom, WADE tries to pull his haptic suit closed, but he clearly has gained a lot of weight.
WADE (grappling with the two sides of his suit) Shit, shit, SHIT!
WADE drops his hands in frustration and looks around, seemingly seeing the mess for the first time. He kicks the garbage towards the kitchen for a while, but gives up. He goes to the window and looks through a part that he missed painting. The lights are on outside; it is evening. He sighs and goes back to his chair that groans a bit under his weight and puts his visor back on. Sitting up straighter, WADE speaks his passcode (**need to put in what it is**).
WADE materializes in his half-finished fortress on an asteroid. WADE in the OASIS looks just as his avatar always has, but the contrast between the real WADE and PARZIVAL is even greater. We see PARZIVAL make a decision and sit purposefully at his virtual computer.