Saturday, May 21, 2022

Home Improvement Mystery

The video only had forty-seven views, most of which were hers.  Thea watched it again, full screen, headphones this time.

It was an amateur home improvement channel with a husband and wife, Matt and Claire, who had been posting videos for nine months as they renovated their old house.  Only eighteen videos of the usual: touring, cleaning, finding, fixing, tips, mistakes, stray cats.  All of them were live-streamed.  And then the last video, posted a month ago.

MATT (off)    Yes, we're going.

CLAIRE        (waving) Hello!  We're in the pantry today, fixing the floor, which is why I look short.

The camera pans down to show CLAIRE standing between joists.

CLAIRE (cont.)    My feet are in the crawlspace under the pantry where I have been vacuuming and getting ready for us to build supports for the joists.

MATT (off)       Hey, wait, did you hear that?  Was that down there?

CLAIRE            I didn't hear.

CLAIRE leans down a little to listen.  There is a thump.

CLAIRE (cont.)    I heard that!

MATT (off)        That was it!  What is it?

The camera jiggles as MATT sits on the floor, putting his legs into the crawlspace from above.  MATT turns on the flash and the picture takes a dizzying drop as he reaches down, illuminating the small space below.  CLAIRE'S legs are briefly visible before the camera swings to the left.  There is a stone wall with spaces at the top between joists that disappear into the next room.

There is a growling sound, and both MATT and CLAIRE make startled sounds, the camera swings wildly before the feed cuts off.


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