Wednesday, January 20, 2010



The living room of a grand country mansion, formerly owned by the recently deceased Lady Underwood and long deceased Lord Underwood. The ornate furniture is covered by dirty white tarpaulins. Some items, including floor lamps, chairs and, at center stage, a sofa, are easily recognizable. The walls, where not covered with dark oak paneling, are wallpapered in an equally dark and stuffy old style.

(Sounds of a key in the front door, stage left. The key does not open the door, and more key sounds follow. Sounds of a large set of keys being dropped. Frustrated noises. More key sounds until, finally, the door is opened by a youngish man, ANDREW SCOTSLEY.)

ANDREW. (Makes a satisfied sound and sets down a small suitcase.) Home sweet home.

(Leaving the front door open, ANDREW strides to a tarpaulin that is covering a floor lamp and pulls violently and without care for the dust. Dust flies everywhere causing ANDREW some breathing trouble.
ANDREW proceeds more cautiously to the covered sofa; however he pulls just as violently, this time turning his head and covering his mouth with his sleeve. Sitting upright in the middle of the sofa is a CORPSE.)

ANDREW. (Laughs triumphantly at thwarting the dusty tarpaulin.) I will have to hire a mai... (Trails off, noticing the corpse.) Woah.

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