Monday, February 2, 2015


Jesse hated living in an apartment complex, but her husband had insisted on renting a two-bedroom in Melody Gardens because it was so close to the thruway he used to get to school and work.  It also, he would point out, had a pool.  Laundromat across the street, another in the basement of each building, a rec room with an old ping-pong table and single racquetball court with a basketball net inside, and ample parking.  The walls were thin, the closets narrow, and everything was beige.

Whenever Rick went to work or school, Jesse would finish dishes or start a load of laundry, then plot their escape from the Beige Hell.  Their second bedroom was an office with a single computer, and that was where she discovered that the man she married, nearly four years ago, was not what she thought he was.  Rick was cheating on her.

In her heart, it felt like Rick, her husband, had died.  No--worse: he had been killed.  Murdered by the stranger who had kissed her goodbye this morning and drove off to...  To where?  Work?  School?  Or Nan's house?  Or to coffee with Janette?  Or was it to meet Marian in a cheap motel room?

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