Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pageant Question 13: If you were an animal, what type of animal would you be and why?

My Spirit Animal is a capybara.  No, I'm not Native American, nor did I ever believe in anything New Age, necessarily, but it's true.  I had to look it up, myself, because I always confuse Chupacabra and capybara.  To set it straight for you, too, the Chupacabra is a mythical creature that sucks the blood of goats, and a capybara is a rodent.  Not just any rodent, mind you, but the world's largest rodent.  It looks more like a giant, bristly, groundhog or very short-haired and enormous Guinea pig.

I know a capybara is my Spirit Animal because I dreamed of it.  You might think I would be disappointed that my Spirit Animal is the world's largest rodent, but he was my guide, he kept me safe, and he even spoke, giving me sage advice in a deep, soothing voice.  In my dream, I knelt down and hugged him; his fur was stiff yet yielding.

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