Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pageant Question 17: Sell us your favorite product.

"Here's to good friends," Tony said, raising his glass, "tonight is kinda special."  The work group from Consolidated Conglomerate approved of the sentiment and drank from their Glassworx glasses or mugs, available in many different sizes to suit their needs.

George was new, so before standing with his own toast, he asked John, "Canai?"

Tony was surprised the new guy wanted to speak to the group already, but there was no reason why not.  "Yes you can."

George stood, clearing his throat.  "There's something special in the air," he began, and everyone began nodding, feeling it.  "We're doing what we do best and we try harder.  We think different.  Manly, yes, but women like it, too."  The others in Meyers' Clothiers Suits and Work-Wear laughed. When the laughter started to die down, George asked, "Can you hear me now?"  When they were silent and attentive, he continued, "With imagination at work, oh, the possibilities!  We bring out the best, and anything less would be uncivilized.  Thank you for your support."

During the rousing round of applause for the new guy, Tony stood and shook George's hand, "I love you, man."

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