Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pageant Question 27: How would you describe the colors red, blue, and yellow to a blind person?

I was slightly frightened by being given a tour of Chicago by my cousin Yvonne.  It was a walking tour of the downtown shopping district and she was walking so fast, I could barely keep up.  She kept pointing out the sights, but I was madly looking back and forth across streets and dodging pedestrians and simply trying not to lose her.  The most frightening part, however, wasn't the fear of being lost, but it was that Yvonne was legally blind.

I had just spent the previous half hour hanging out in her highrise office with what was an extremely impressive view.  Yvonne had been the one to point it out to me, though I knew she had never seen it.  She hadn't been born blind, and perhaps that was why she was so confident.  She also could see if she held whatever she wanted to look at so it touched her nose.  I watched her put on a pair of, not joking, one inch thick reading glasses, put her nose to her desk, and sign a contract.  That was the only way she could see where to put the pen.  And now I was running across four lanes of traffic behind her and she pointed to her favorite stores.

Side Note:
This the questions my students would hear and grumble that it was impossible to answer.  I say, no way!  It's actually one of the easiest, IF you know the trick!  If you're reading these for the questions and you'd like to know the trick, post a comment and I'll tell you.  (*sneaky way to see if anybody cares*)

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