Friday, March 6, 2015

Pageant Question 19: Would you consider yourself to be an optimist, a pessimist or a realist?

It is not true that there is a finite amount of happiness a person can have.  When good comes to you, there is no reason why more good should not follow, and furthermore, there is no reason why the good should be interrupted for any reason in the future.  Often, people who find themselves benefiting from what they perceive as "good luck" will assume that it is a one-shot deal.  They may even believe that the good luck must be balanced by bad.


Good may follow good may follow good until you finally realize that none of the "good" is happening separately from any other part of life: it is life.  At this point, many happy people living a good life may feel a sense of guilt.  There is no reason for guilt because happiness is infinite.  Because you are happy doesn't mean anyone else will be unhappy.  Because you experience a good event doesn't mean it needs to be balanced with bad somewhere else.  You can be happy and experience good, and so can everyone else.  It is infinite.

Plus: it is always within you.

A person has a very small sphere of influence--it is only him or herself.  You control how you think and react.  Thoughts, however, can be habits, and you may need to re-groove paths in your brain to realize the happiness that lies within.  It will take work.  It will take patience with yourself.  You will have setbacks, but it will work.

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