Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pageant Question 31: How do you handle stress?

Combating stress is a constant war that requires hyper-vigilance.  One slip of attention from your stress and it will take over your life; you may never recover once you slip.  SO PAY ATTENTION!  What is making you stressed?  Think of it.  Think of it now.  Examine it.  Zoom in on it.  Focus on it and enlarge your stress until it is the only thing in your mind.  If you find your mind drifting, follow the path of darkness on which it has put you.

When you think about the stress in your life, it may cause you to think of the other parts of your life that have gone wrong.  Let those fill your head, too.  More often than not, your stress will also cause you to think of stressful times in your past--times when things have gone wrong, or you took the wrong action, said the wrong words, been embarrassed, hurt someone, got hurt yourself.  These are moments that haunt you and stress you from times gone past.  They are over and cannot be dealt with, so think about them.  Add them to what you are currently experiencing and relive them again and again until the paths become familiar and well-worn.  By waging war against your current stress, bring in the old battles you have lost and wage your war on multiple fronts.

Breathe shallowly.  Inoutinoutinoutinout, repeat.  Look around your room and see what is wrong.  Dusty?  Messy?  To-dos undone?  See them all, no matter how small, and add them as skirmishes to your war on stress.  If your breathing wasn't fast enough when you started, increase it now, and feel your heart pounding in your chest.  Imagine the cortisol surging through your veins, and picture the bodily stress this war is inflicting on you.  You are now wearing your battle armor of hormones, fat and guilt.

NOTE: I am terribly sorry for today's post!  It is making me panic a little just reading it.  Definitely find a real article somewhere about how to relax.  Maybe go for a walk.  Breathe deeply.  Try yoga.  Relax.  All is well.  All is well.  Ommmmmm.....

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