Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pageant Question 23: What is your feeling about the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side.”

The first death I attended was that of my cat, Iggy.  He was old, but in such great health right up until the end, it didn't seem right that he had to die.  He was clearly unhappy about it, too, but there was nothing left to do but sit by his side.  I was ten, and he was eight years my senior.  I was compelled to keep watch and stroke his back; everyone else was at the Harvest Fair, but I had refused to go.  My step-sisters laughed at me, and I remember it was the first time I applied the word "heartless" to anyone.  I knelt over Iggy as he hissed, drew his last breath, and exhaled gently one final time.  I don't know why I did it, but as he exhaled, I leaned over Iggy's face and breathed in deeply, pulling his last into me.  At that moment, a light flared in my mind, and I saw his soul.  It's the only way I can explain it.  It was not a version of my cat in my imagination, nor was it a ghostly film, but an impression in my mind of Iggy's essence, and I knew that what made him Iggy was forever.  My ability has developed since, and it has been both a blessing and a curse at times, but I will always remember my beautiful furry brother and I will always be proud that he was my first connection to the other side of life.

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