Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pageant Question 30: Besides your family, who have you learned the most from and what did you learn?

From my piano teacher, I learned that mocking someone does not make them want to improve.
From my third grade teacher, I learned that rocking the boat makes people nervous.
From my general practitioner, I learned that a great deal of education does not necessarily make a person smart.
From the family who took my old truck for scrap, I learned that people can live on next to nothing.
From my first boyfriend, I learned that looks aren't everything.
From my landlord, I learned that you can't always tell who's a bigot.
From an old man I passed on the street, I learned that you can live right up to the moment you're dead.

What have they learned from me?  What should they have learned from me?

My piano teacher learned that his students are lazy, but he should have learned that students yearn to be good.
My third grade teacher learned that bullying works, but she should have learned that children remember forever.
My general practitioner learned that his wisdom was rarely heeded, but he should have learned to listen.
The family who took my old truck for scrap learned that if you ask, you may receive even more than you hoped for, and they should have learned that the world needs to know how the poor survive.
My first boyfriend learned that I wasn't right for him, but he should have learned that girls desperate for a boyfriend have no idea what they're doing.
My landlord learned that his audience will listen, but he should have learned that I thought he was wrong.
The old man learned that people stare at illness, but he should have learned that I wished him safe journey.

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