Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pageant Question 18: What are three adjectives that best describe yourself?

"We're all here for a reason, so you might as well just say what yours is.  The counselors will get it out of you anyway."  Jack leaned in on the slight girl, a newcomer, who was sitting as far away from the other two as possible.

"Leave her alone, Jack," warned Christiana.  "She don't have to tell us."

"Speak!" he bellowed in a deep voice.  "I command thee in the name of the Lord!  Speak!"

"Don't worry about him.  He's always this way.  He never stop."  She paused to check a message on her phone before abruptly slapping it face down on their side of the U-shaped table configuration.  "My name is Christiana."

The other girl raised her eyes, but not her head, and seemed to take a moment to get her mouth working.  "Gabby."

Jack bellowed with laughter.  "Gabby?  Gabby?  That's the opposite of you."  Christiana's hand whipped out so fast, Jack never saw the back side of it coming.  It made a hard thwack on his nylon jacket.  "Hey!  What's that for?"

"It's for you being you, and you know what that is.  Keep your mouth shut for once or twice.  Gotta give everyone else a chance."

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