Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pageant Question: Compare yourself to your favorite food.

He was in hot water, and he knew it.  Detective Jamison dreaded the meeting he'd have with the chief, seven minutes with him could seem like hours, but he had to get it over with.  Jamison was still stiff from the run in he'd had with the latest suspect, a motorcycle gang member they called Bear, and he needed to try to loosen up.  When he got into the chief's office, though, Jamison realized the man had been hitting the sauce.  It wasn't like Chief to drink, much less during the workday, so something horrible must have happened.  "Chief, you wanted to see me?"  The man's bloodshot eyes and red nose meant more than just the sauce.  "What happened, sir?"

The chief swallowed a couple of times.  "Marianna.  She's...dead."

Detective Jamison couldn't believe the news.  His partner.  Dead.  It couldn't be.  "Where?  How?  How is it possible?  How do you know?"

"Easy now, detective.  It has been confirmed.  But her body hasn't been found."

NOTE: did you get my not-so-subtle hint at one of my favorite foods?  Even the last line has a slightly more subtle hint...

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