Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pageant Question: What is your favorite charity and how do you help their cause?

The Friends of Night People is a soup kitchen downtown.  The dining room is small, only about ten cafeteria-style tables with long benches attached to each side.  They turn a brisk business every evening for dinner.  The people who come for dinner eat fast and they don't linger.  Clear the seat, wipe the table, and it ready for somebody else.  You can also pick up bags of non-perishable food to go, or "shop" for clothes in the jam-packed donation room.  Whatever you do, you hardly ever get a good dessert.

I promised myself, if I ever got out and really made it the way I wanted to, I would donate the best damn desserts to The Friends of Night People.  Fresh cakes, brownies, cookies and ice cream with all the fixings.  No more quarter slice of a rock hard blueberry muffin, I'm talking real desserts.  It was what I missed most when I found myself down and way out.

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