Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pageant Question: What is your most embarrassing moment?

I am the king of embarrassing moments.  Lord of putting my foot in my mouth.  Emperor of oopsies.  I've learned I need to ride out whatever I've done and let it take me where it will, though it doesn't mean I'm not still haunted.

Last night, for example, I was kept up by going into the wrong class earlier that day; don't worry, it was actually far worse than it sounds.  I was in Norton Hall, passing through on my way to the cafeteria for a bowl of mashed potatoes with gravy, when I glanced through the window of my physics classroom.  My professor was in there.  Students were in there.  Class had started fifteen minutes ago!  I thought I had all the time in the world; I mean, didn't I always go or mashed potatoes on Thursdays?  I had a routine, and what happened to it that I missed the start of class?  In a panic, I threw open the door and slid into a seat on the end as some kid was in my seat.  Hmm.  Some kid I didn't recognize.

"Matt?" said Professor Anderson.  "Are you in this class?  Aren't you in the next class?"  He frowned, and I knew what had happened.  Professor Anderson held two classes back to back, and I had the second.  I didn't know anybody in here.  My class didn't start for another hour.  "Ah, well, I may be mixing up my rosters.  Midterm craziness.  Where were we?"

I didn't move.  I didn't look at anyone, though I knew they were staring at me.  I felt my face burning up and I could barely breathe.  Ride it out, man.  I just had to let what I'd done take me where it would, which was here, taking notes, surrounded by strangers.  And I missed my afternoon mashed potatoes.

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