Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pageant Question: Who do you think will be the first woman to become president? Why?

I remember learning in Ancient History that when faced with the first knowledge of what they called "alien" life, Earthlings went to war with each other.  Leaky, I know, but that's what they did!  War used to happen a lot on Earth, and the reasons were both complex and animalistic.  Earthlings didn't like change, and they were intensely self-absorbed.  Individual Earthlings were self-absorbed, and their increasingly larger tribes were self-absorbed.  They had family tribes and community tribes and religious tribes and belief tribes and national tribes not to mention a starload of sub-tribes.  The change that came from the "aliens" shook up all those tribes.  It's ridiculous to think how many they killed while fighting change.  The word "eventually" is a horrible way to skip over those decades of death, but eventually Earthlings created a panel able to handle their new, galactic world.

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